
Making digital an enabler of  inclusion and sustainable development.

We aim to promote a set of responsible professional practices and behaviours, which are at the service of all our stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Suppliers and Partners.


Making digital an enabler of  inclusion and sustainable development.

We aim to promote a set of responsible professional practices and behaviours, which are at the service of all our stakeholders: Employees, Customers, Suppliers and Partners.

Chez Orange et Sofrecom,

Nous avançons avec la conviction que le numérique est un formidable levier de développement économique, social et environnemental.

Nous voulons faire en sorte que chacun puisse exploiter son incroyable potentiel de progrès et d'innovation.

Pour cela, nous avons structuré notre démarche RSE autour d'un engagement : Faire du numérique un levier d'inclusion et de développement durable.

Preserve the Environment

In a world of limited natural resources, we believe that reducing our environmental impacts is an essential condition for sustainability and competitiveness.

To the end, our action plan addresses 2 complementary issues :

  • helping our client to take into account sustainable development objectives in their activities,
  • to evolve internally toward environmentally friendly practices.
A green expertise to support our customers

We promote the development of digital infrastructures and environmentally friendly products and services :

  • Benchmarking of industry best practices

  • Assistance in defining and deploying CSR strategies

  • Extra-financial reporting and carbon footprint measurement 

  • Development of responsible products and services : green, compliant and available for all, safe safety personal data, safe and responsible uses

  • Development of infrastructures respecting environment : our engineering teams are systematically reinforced with environmental experts.

  • Encouraging the circular economy : we advise our clients to set up responsible equipment and telecom fleet management policies (reconditioning policy, use of reconditioned equipment, sorting and recycling of mobiles and PABXs, etc. ).

  • Ensuring the know-how transfer at the end of our projects.


Discover our expertise

We promote the development of digital infrastructures and environmentally friendly products and services :

  • Benchmarking of industry best practices

  • Assistance in defining and deploying CSR strategies

  • Extra-financial reporting and carbon footprint measurement 

  • Development of responsible products and services : green, compliant and available for all, safe safety personal data, safe and responsible uses

  • Development of infrastructures respecting environment : our engineering teams are systematically reinforced with environmental experts.

  • Encouraging the circular economy : we advise our clients to set up responsible equipment and telecom fleet management policies (reconditioning policy, use of reconditioned equipment, sorting and recycling of mobiles and PABXs, etc. ).

  • Ensuring the know-how transfer at the end of our projects.


Discover our expertise
Reducing our carbon footprint

We are changing ou internal management practices to limit our carbon footprint :

  • Training employees in CSR issues and eco-friendly gestures
  • Selective sorting in France
  • Use of reconditioned equipment for our IT equipment
  • Responsible purchasing policies to gradually replace purchase of recyclable supplies
  • Digital solutions : web conferencing, digitizing expense reports, electronically signing contracts, digitizing consultants' tools, ...

We are changing ou internal management practices to limit our carbon footprint :

  • Training employees in CSR issues and eco-friendly gestures
  • Selective sorting in France
  • Use of reconditioned equipment for our IT equipment
  • Responsible purchasing policies to gradually replace purchase of recyclable supplies
  • Digital solutions : web conferencing, digitizing expense reports, electronically signing contracts, digitizing consultants' tools, ...

Acting for Digital Equality

Convinced that a wealth of skills, profiles and cultural diversity contributes to making our Group a more attractive, more innovative, more competitive company that is closer to its customers, we act to develop and promote diversity, inclusion and equality.

At Sofrecom, we ensure that the benefits of digital technology that we deploy are accessible to as many people as possible, particularly in emerging countries. Our diversity and inclusion policy reflects the company's desire to attract and develop talent from all backgrounds, with different experiences and viewpoints.

Digital Strategies

We build digital strategies that support inclusion

  • We assist our clients in developing regulatory frameworks that effectively support economic and social development ambitions.

  • We drive the transformation of public infrastructures and operators into levers of digital transformation

  • We are involved in the development of e-gouv strategies (digital identity, digital payments) and of the most useful e-services for citizens and companies

  • We accompany the implementation of data hosting strategies and personal data.

We build digital strategies that support inclusion

  • We assist our clients in developing regulatory frameworks that effectively support economic and social development ambitions.

  • We drive the transformation of public infrastructures and operators into levers of digital transformation

  • We are involved in the development of e-gouv strategies (digital identity, digital payments) and of the most useful e-services for citizens and companies

  • We accompany the implementation of data hosting strategies and personal data.

Jobs in digital sector

We contribute to job's creation in the digital sector

  • Through the Sofrecom Academy in Morocco and the partnership with Smart Tunisia, we help young graduates to acquire digital skills and find a first job.

  • We are partnering with several universities to facilitate the access of young people to employment through multiple internship offers and work-study roles.

  • We support the creation of digital schools to develop the digital skills of local populations.

We contribute to job's creation in the digital sector

  • Through the Sofrecom Academy in Morocco and the partnership with Smart Tunisia, we help young graduates to acquire digital skills and find a first job.

  • We are partnering with several universities to facilitate the access of young people to employment through multiple internship offers and work-study roles.

  • We support the creation of digital schools to develop the digital skills of local populations.

Promoting diversity & inclusion

We act to develop talent from all backgrounds, with different experiences and viewpoints

  • We facilitate and encourage women's access to digital professions: 55% of our engineers in Tunisia are women, 47% in Morocco.

  • Sofrecom is a partner of several associations that offer young people guidance and that help people who have greater difficulty accessing employment, such as young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or people with disabilities, to find and settle into work.

  • In choosing its partners and suppliers, Sofrecom strives to work with companies that respect the values and principles of equality, inclusion and ethics that our company promotes.

We act to develop talent from all backgrounds, with different experiences and viewpoints

  • We facilitate and encourage women's access to digital professions: 55% of our engineers in Tunisia are women, 47% in Morocco.

  • Sofrecom is a partner of several associations that offer young people guidance and that help people who have greater difficulty accessing employment, such as young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or people with disabilities, to find and settle into work.

  • In choosing its partners and suppliers, Sofrecom strives to work with companies that respect the values and principles of equality, inclusion and ethics that our company promotes.

Improving gender equality

We improve gender equality

  • We ensure equal pay for employees for both recruitment and training,

  • Through our projects, we contribute to the social development of the countries in which we operate by facilitating women’s access to technical jobs. For example, 31% of workers hired to deploy the Backbone project in Sub-Saharan Africa are women, and 47% of our engineers in North Africa are women.

We improve gender equality

  • We ensure equal pay for employees for both recruitment and training,

  • Through our projects, we contribute to the social development of the countries in which we operate by facilitating women’s access to technical jobs. For example, 31% of workers hired to deploy the Backbone project in Sub-Saharan Africa are women, and 47% of our engineers in North Africa are women.

Ethics & Compliance

Keen to respect ethical rules and its environment, and to step up the fight against corruption, Sofrecom has made ethics a priority.

In 2010, it became Orange's first entity to obtain the Ethical certification, issued by the independent body Ethic Intelligence.

The ethics and the respect by all of the values and the principles of collective action and of individual behaviors are translated in a reference common to all the collaborators whatever their trades.

This reference framework defines and specifies the daily conduct between us, our customers, our competitors and more broadly, our environment.

This double approach to compliance, on the one hand, and compliance with laws and rules, and ethics, on the other hand, that is to say, Orange's commitments that go beyond legal norms alone , marks our desire to act as an actor of Responsible and trust.

Our certifications, Anti-corruption policies and Ethics charter support our commitment. 

Sofrecom has been also certified ISO 37001 "Anti-corruption management systems". ( certificate expired on 28 juin 2021).


"Hello Ethics" is the Orange Group's reporting service.

You can report any conduct or situation that violates the law or regulations (fraud, corruption, serious violations of human rights, health and safety of people or the environment, etc.), and our internal policies or procedures (anti-corruption policy, ethics charter, etc.).

You can file a report or ask a question, by using  Hello Ethics

Thank you for your cooperation.


