Customer case

Improving the rate of ADSL to fiber customer migration

Wed 06 Oct 2021

As part of its fiber deployment plan, a telecom operator wanted to improve its ADSL to fiber customer migration process.

They called on our data analysis experts to better understand their customers' behavior in order to improve the segmentation of fiber-eligible customers.


To do this, our team proceeded in 2 steps:

  • Operationalization of the segmentation as it stands: After an assessment of the current situation, which allowed us to obtain a better understanding of the current system, our experts led several workshops in order to identify, with all the distribution channels, the obstacles to the transition to fiber. This work also allowed us to identify the main impacts on customer behavior for each of the targeting criteria used in email campaigns to encourage people to switch to fiber.

Our team then industrialized the customer targeting for a better efficiency of the migration incentive campaigns.

  • Improved segmentation: Using a customer-centric approach, our team identified relevant criteria, through in-depth analysis of the different sub-segments, to improve customer segmentation. These criteria take into account the key moments in the customer's life (periods of fragility, withdrawals, etc.).

These criteria were then validated retroactively with the help of the Data Science teams.


Our client has a better understanding of customer issues and the obstacles to switching to fiber.

Our co-construction approach involving all the stakeholders (distribution channels, marketing, data science, etc.) enabled us to obtain the support and involvement of all the players in the new segmentation as part of its operationalization. This approach also allowed us to bring business acumen to the data science teams.