Equality men and women at Sofrecom

Mon 25 Jan 2021

The law of 5 September 2018 on the freedom to choose one’s professional future (No. 2018-771, Article 104, France) provides that, subject to staffing and timetable conditions, companies must compute annually indicators relating to the pay gap between women and men and the actions taken to eliminate it, in accordance with the procedures and methodology defined by Decree No. 2019-15 of 8 January 2019.

In terms of the indicators measured for the year 2020, Sofrecom obtained an overall score of 89 points out of 100 points including:

  • Indicator 1: Pay gap between women and men – score 39/40
  • Indicator 2: Differences in rates of individual increases – score 20/20
  • Indicator 3: Promotion gap – score 15/15
  • Indicator 4: Percentage of employees who received an increase in the year after returning from maternity leave – score 15/15
  • Indicator 5: Number of employees of the under-represented sex in the top 10 earners. score obtained 0/10

Philippe Mazaud

Head of Human Ressources