White paper

The 5G promises

Wed 19 Feb 2020

Full speed ahead for 5G!

Already, more than 300 operators have announced investments in 5G. It is predicted that, by 2025, 65% of the world’s population will be covered by 5G, while 5G subscriptions are expected to exceed 2.5 billion.

To make those figures, however, operators will have to first address many questions :

• Which value propositions and services will I promote on 5G?
• How quickly will the new 5G terminals come to the market, and at what price?
• How will they impact my existing offers and networks?
• Will I have to transform my operational processes and develop new areas of expertise?
• How quickly will I deploy my 5G network, considering what I’ve already invested and the level of occupancy on my existing networks?
• How can I make the best use of 5G with respect to the energy and sustainable development issues at stake?
• Are there any security risks specific to 5G?

As to regulators, setting license prices in connection with coverage obligations and potential business will be a particularly tricky undertaking. Governments’ national deployment plans for ultra-fast broadband and digital inclusion will also have repercussions on regulatory frameworks.

Clearly then, there are many challenges around 5G: business, technical, operational, regulatory, security, energy, etc.The substantive work needed to analyze the issues and answer all the above questions will prove a valuable resource in developing 5G business plans. As to launch plans, they might vary widely from country to country, or even from operator to operator. In order to better approach all these issues, regulators and operators will also be able to launch pilot operations, before the general deployment phase.

For anyone wondering about the 5G adventure, we offer this White Paper, which sheds light on some of the key issues.


To download our white paper, Click here

Claire Khoury

Chief Marketing, Communication & CSR Officer