Customer case

Shaping of a fixed operator's Information System (IS) master plan

Mon 11 Jun 2018


Faced with an increasing competition, this fixed operator decided to improve its IS to turn it into a real performance lever. It entrusted our experts with a mission including 3 objectives:

  • to adapt the IS to support the company’s strategic objectives
  • to revise the organization and IS processes to improve Time-to-Market and better meet the expectations from business units and support functions
  • and to solve operational issues (invoicing, quality of service...)


Our consultants started by reviewing the operator’s overall strategy with the different business teams (HR, sales, network, etc.). They audited the current IS and defined the target IS architecture. Finally they proposed a transformation roadmap over 5 years and prioritized projects.


Our client now has a clearly defined strategic IS vision for the next 5 years. The resources and budget necessary to efficiently perform the transformation are identified. Our customer has also been able to rapidly implement quick wins to solve the operational issues.