
Recruitment challenges in the moroccan digital sector

Thu 28 Jun 2018

What are the recruitment prospects within Sofrecom Services Maroc ?

We are dealing with a very dynamic and growing market driven by a strong demand from European countries. Computer engineers are sought for, especially for application development and engineering related to customer knowledge and experience.

Our customers, mainly based abroad, fairly steadily further solicit our support for qualified and agile engineers.

What profiles are you looking for?

To meet our customers’ needs, we are welcoming experienced men and women motivated by the technical and business opportunities we offer them.

We are fortunate to be working for telecom operators which are pioneers of the digital world. The projects proposed are innovative, as much as in the customer experience as in the technologies used.

According to you, what would the best candidate look like?

We are an international company, our ideal candidate is open to other cultures, he is able to question himself, he is agile and curious.

Looking forward to developing intellectual and technical skills, he likes his job.

The digital sector is a very competitive sector and companies compete for talents, what makes the difference at Sofrecom ?

At Sofrecom Services Maroc, our employees  work within an environment on a human scale, useful for intellectual enrichment and for collaboration. It is also the guarantee of working for major international actors of the digital but also to take part in the digital transformation of Morocco. We have solid references in e-government in Morocco where we help the Moroccan administration modernize. 

Morocco trains each year thousands of engineers, do you think these young graduates are ready for the job market?

Internships help people gain prior work experience to enter the job market. We are very committed to universities and engineering schools and multiply exchanges between the business world and the universities.

Each year we host several interns completing a final year project and we have built several partnerships with the different schools to support the students and ease their access to the company.

In addition to these initiatives with the academic world, we also have just signed with the Ministry of Industry, Investment, Commerce and Digital Economy, the Deposit and Management Fund, and  the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Competence an agreement for creating in partnership with 4 other digital service companies a training center for IT development within Casanearshore to significantly increase the supply of qualified developers.

Through this center, we aim at improving the employability and the professional integration of IT graduates in Morocco thanks to a further qualified and certified education.