Our client operator wanted to modernise his radio access network (RAN) and to prepare for LTE. His main concerns were to provide the best possible network in terms of customer experience and to develop 3G usage.
For Sofrecom, the idea was to ensure that the planned substantial investment would be profitable. We assisted our customer at every stage in the project (planning, monitoring, communication, risk analysis etc.), especially by getting involved in negotiating and elaborating the supplier contracts. We also determined the site deployment process, as well as providing on-going reporting to top management. The mission ended with the skills transfer to the operator’s own staff.
Our customer was able to swap 1,500 sites over a 13-month period. He therefore managed to increase his 3G footprint by 25% and his data traffic by 46%, as well as improving customer experience quality indicators by over 50%. Our expertise was instrumental in speeding the time to market for 3G services. Our management methods can now be reused for future projects. Engineering teams have been trained in operating the network and in overseeing its growth.