Indonesia, with 241 million inhabitants, is a major market for the telecommunications industry. Given the explosion in the telecoms market, which has favoured the emergence of new challengers in Internet and Multiplay areas, the incumbent operator Indonesia PT Telkom had to renovate IT System.
With this transformation of the IT system, PT Telkom wanted to implement a new billing and customer care integrated solution that can support various offerings for its Personal Line products portfolio (retail). To win competition in a highly competitive industry, Telkom is willing to develop most of its products and services based on triple play and screen (3PS) including smartphones, laptops, PCs, tablets and TVs.
Telkom believes the excellence of the user experience will help get more attention from customer and retain them in the long term. INFUSION-PL is the new IT framework that is enabling this new product and service strategy.
To support its new IT strategy, PT Telkom has chosen Gaïa, a Sofrecom solution developed, in part, through work conducted by Sofrecom with the France Telecom-Orange group.
34 distinct solutions migrated to new system in 33 months
Sofrecom’s main challenge was to implement an innovative architecture and integrate Gaïa into a centralized IT ecosystem. The migration schedule provided for a steady delivery rate. Twenty-five information systems were migrated in 33 months.
The initial proof of concept was a success. The solution was tested by the IBM expertise centre, which validated the ability of the solution to handle large volumes without adversely affecting information system service quality.
Sofrecom then ensured the transfer of know-how to the PT Telkom teams.
Gaïa supports and boosts the growth of retail PT Telkom’s products
Gaïa has enabled the Indonesian operator to quickly achieve its goals. Eight months after the start of the project, 500,000 customers were eligible for the new portfolio of PT Telkom offerings; 10 months later they were accessible to 5 million subscribers; and after 17 months, the catalogue was available to almost 10 million subscribers.
PSTN and Speedy as well as Groovia TV, Telkom’s latest triple play product, are now managed by the new system.
Thanks to the national and unified vision of its customer base, PT Telkom can now proceed to segmentations to launch the offerings adapted to the expectations of the market.
Gaïa is a robust solution that manages large volumes of data: 1 billion Call Reports used, more than 7 million invoices issued monthly. To meet Indonesian regulatory requirements, the billing of these millions of subscribers is performed in less than 48 hours.
For PT Telkom, the advantages of the solution’s speed of implementation are the increase in the number of sales from the new catalogue of offerings and customer loyalty-building.
The solution has thus contributed to the growth of PT Telkom: in a single year its customer base has highly increased, to reach nearly 10.7 million subscribers by April 2012.
By drawing on its experience, capitalizing on over 40 Gaïa integration projects, Sofrecom ensured the success of its PT Telkom operation.