Customer case

Monitoring of FTTH deployment

Mon 15 Nov 2021

In order to ensure the deployment of fiber to the home (FTTH) throughout France by 2025, under viable conditions for all players, a regulatory framework has been put in place, with mutualization as one of the key principles. To avoid the unviable or inefficient deployment of redundant infrastructure, certain segments of the fiber network are “mutualized”, that is, deployed by a threshold player and then made available to all commercial operators. Therefore, this framework distinguishes between commercial operators, who provide their services to end customers, and fiber infrastructure operators, who deploy the fiber local loop and make it available to commercial operators.

Following a regulatory plan and according to the progress of their work, fiber infrastructure operators fill in exchange files, IPE files (for “Informations Préalables Enrichies” or Enriched Preliminary Information), that allow commercial operators to identify accommodations that can benefit from fiber optic offers as well as the technical details necessary for a customer's final interconnection.

Our client, a fiber infrastructure operator in France, wishes to improve and automate the tools that allow it to monitor the deployments of the various fiber infrastructure operators, as well as the commercial performance of commercial operators using our client's fiber infrastructure (% of marketed lines compared to marketable lines).

Data qualification and migration to the new repository

Our Business Intelligence (BI) expert, first supplied the data repository and ensured the qualification to migrate to a new repository:

  • Collection of IPE data files and other data required for reporting
  • Qualification and data cleaning
  • Supplying the new data repository

The expert then developed the script and the reporting production method to take into account the upgrade of the data format and optimize the production process.

The expert also performed on-demand analyses based on this new BI tool: queries, duplicate analysis, and variance analysis.

The term Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the technologies, applications and practices for collecting, integrating, analyzing and presenting information. The objective of Business Intelligence is to support better decision making in the business, sales, marketing, finance verticals, etc., based on data.

The data sources used to enrich BI tools are multiple: customer relationship management (CRM) systems, sales tracking information, marketing analytics, network probe data...BI tools help companies consolidate all of these disparate sources into one unified view that provides real-time reporting, dashboards and analytics.

The execution of this mission has mobilized several skills:

  • Proficiency in database management systems, query tools and statistical techniques (Excel, SQL)
  • Good knowledge of BI tools and in particular PowerBI and ETL Talend
  • Analytical and synthesis skills
  • Awareness of data security issues.

The new reporting is now produced in a more efficient, reliable, regular and fast way.