“By providing an accurate vision of data streams within a given territory, Flux Vision gives enterprises and public authorities the agility they need to improve their customer service and the quality of life of citizens.”
Every minute Flux Vision converts 4 million mobile data items concerning tourism, transportation and commerce into statistical indicators. How does it create value for its users?
B. F. Flux Vision was launched in 2013 as a high-performance marketing tool that can substitute for conventional consumer surveys. It uses technical data collected from Orange cellular networks to generate statistics based on massive, anonymous sampling. These indicators refreshed in real time allow public bodies and private companies to analyze, for example, the number of visits to a tourist site, a visitor catchment area or an event, even the paths followed by tourists, and to identify the most popular places. They provide a reliable decision-making aid that can help optimize infrastructures and services. In order to extrapolate the observations made on the Orange network to the entire population, we make local adjustments according to the zones or events being analyzed. Our solution employs exclusive irreversible anonymization processes developed by Orange Labs and conforming to the recommendations of the CNIL, France’s National Commission on Informatics and Liberty. These algorithms delete all data of a personal nature, making direct or indirect identification or reidentification of individuals impossible.
Flux Vision targets French local authorities and enterprises. Could the solution be used outside France?
B. F. At the end of 2015, we started commercializing Flux Vision abroad using the “software publisher” model. Now all cellcos can acquire the software and install it in their information system infrastructure. They are then free to commercialize their own “indicator offers” to public or private clients wishing to improve their knowledge of mobile users’ visits and movements within the operator’s geographic coverage by exploiting indicators generated from cellular network data.
Enterprises today exploit only 7% of the data they generate. How can they use them more profitably?
B. F. Three quarters of all businesses know about Big Data, but to date few have started concrete projects, mainly due to lack of in-house expertise. In response to this need, in 2014 Orange launched Datavenue, a complete catalog of Data and IoT solutions and services drawing on its expertise in cloud computing, data and connected objects. To help customers build a big data environment easily, we also created a kind of test offer called “Starter Kit Flexible Data”.
Can data analytics help operators to optimize their own operational performance and quality of service?
B. F. At Orange, we have already appropriated the benefits of massive data processing. For example, by cross-referencing weather data with customer data we can anticipate local thunderstorm risks and take proactive action with customers in zones threaten by lightning. We send precautionary SMS messages suggesting that they unplug their Livebox. This astute idea improves our operational efficiency and quality of service: it reduces the need for technician interventions by a quarter and calls to our hotline by a third. And customers appreciate that we help them avoid possible service interruptions.