Customer case

Feasibility study for a digital ID system

Mon 26 Oct 2020


Since 2013 the Republic of Niger has implemented a sector policy in respect of Telecommunications and ICT companies. In this context, it launched a digital transformation plan aimed at facilitating access for populations, administrations and companies to high-quality digital services.
The Government of Niger has sought support from Sofrecom to implement an Integrated System for the Management of the Electronic Identification of People (SIGIEP). This SIGIEP should provide the country with reliable demographic data with which to draft the country's national development policies.


Mapping the digital identity ecosystem
First of all, our consultants organized a national workshop with all those involved in the SIGIEP project. 29 National Ministries and Agencies responsible for health, safety, administration and citizens' rights were thus convened. This workshop allowed us to share the objectives of the feasibility study, the methodology and the expected results, and to identify the stakeholders and beneficiaries of the future SIGIEP.

Feasibility study
This SIGIEP must manage the collection, registration, processing, certification and exploitation of civil status, demographic and biometric data.
To assess the feasibility of the project, our experts analyzed:

  • digital ID practices around the world and in Africa, identifying the various initiatives implemented. The reports published on these projects allowed us to identify good practices in respect of 4 essential criteria: the accessibility of the solution, its robustness, its ease of integration and its level of personal data security and protection.
  • the legal and regulatory aspects, by analyzing existing laws and regulations: they identified how these legal rules should be adapted to authorize the use of digital identity;
  • the governance: they examined the various possibilities and made a proposal to ensure that the strategy, the system deployed and its financing are sustainable;
  • the technical feasibility: they studied the options available on the market, whether for the platform itself, the assignment of the identity number or the authentication methods and data security.

They then carried out a comparative study of the different scenarios in order to estimate an overall cost. They made recommendations regarding the operation of the future SIGIEP and the most suitable technical solutions, taking into account the country's ambitions and the organizational and budgetary realities.

Finally, they identified possible sources of funding for the project.

Drafting of the tender documentation
Based on the technical and functional choices made previously, our team prepared all the documents required for a future call for tenders. These documents will enable the government of Niger to not only select the best technical platform but also the most suitable support and maintenance package, according to its budgetary constraints.

Planning and change management
Finally, our consultants put forward a schedule and a number of recommendations to help the government prioritize its future actions. In particular, they worked on managing change, an essential element for rapid and effective ownership, both among government officials and among the population. To this end, they proposed training and communications to promote and facilitate adoption of the program.


At the end of this mission, the government of Niger is able to launch the call for tenders that will enable it to implement its digital identity system at the national level. The organizational and legal prerequisites are clearly identified, as well as the actions, timetable and budget required for the launch.

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