White paper

Challenges and opportunites of digital financial services

Thu 06 Jun 2019

The market of digital financial services has been disrupted in recent years by new players such as Apple, Facebook or Alibaba. The resounding success of services such as Alipay and Wechatpay demonstrates the interest of individuals and businesses in new online payment services or marketplaces, fully integrated into communication tools and services. Today, these Bigtech companies are turning to the African continent to continue their expansion.

In order to stay ahead of the upheavals caused by these new forms of competition, in particular OTT (Over The Top) players, telecoms operators must rethink their value proposition and their business model.

At Sofrecom, our experts in the field help you design and implement your strategic choices to effectively carry out these projects. With this new publication, we want to deliver an analysis of the digital financial services market and the new challenges for telecom operators to continue to have a say in this sector. Our ambition: to continue supporting you and informing your choices to achieve your business and human objectives.

 Click here to download our white paper.


Claire Khoury

Chief Marketing, Communication & CSR Officer