
Agility has made homework easier

Fri 16 Oct 2020

Everywhere, we hear “I’m more productive” working from home. More productive, individually.

Indeed, at the individual level, there is a perceived increase in efficiency as a result of the saving of transport time, the lack of distractions and the ease of spending more time at work. However, this raises two challenges:

  • Goodwill of managers and employees, especially towards those unable to isolate themselves completely at home.
  • Importance of taking breaks and organizing meetings. Increasing one’s volume of work is unsustainable in the long run, and telephone conferences are wearing both mentally and physically.

Does this mean we should consider working from home as a success factor for a given project?

Improving individual performance is indeed a victory. That said, the success of a project necessarily depends on collective performance. This is where agility plays a role.

The agile culture is based on individuals working together to build the collective.

Agile companies have adapted more easily to working from home thanks to

  • Pre-established habits: planning meetings, the common objective, the Daily, the review and the retrospective, all of which provide opportunities for exchanges, alignment and commitment.
  • A culture that promotes self-organization and collective responsibility. This culture is regularly implemented through workshops, where each opinion counts and decisions are only taken by consensus.
    • These agile workshops have also been boosted thanks to digital whiteboards, which offer an infinite range of means of facilitation.
  • Communities of practice allowing informal exchanges that encourage a relaxed atmosphere while improving skills.

We had no choice. Covid pushed us to experiment with it

Agility facilitated its efficiency.

Working from home is now considered to be an effective working formula.  Changes will always be afoot. We need to be constantly searching for the right ways to adapt as best we can.

The experiment continues…

L’article Agility has enhanced working from home est apparu en premier sur Sofrecom.

Skander Hamza

Agile Coach